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Human Training
Big Bear Canine School K-9
Behavior Correction
Dog Walking
Dog Socialization
Doggie Day Care
K-9 Drug Search



Evaluation Fee is only $250 during the Holidays. Depending on location and if the dog has any aggressive tendencies. Programs can be between $500 to $1500 on a case-by-case basis for behavioral issues. If you are requesting training for Protection, Narcotic Detection or Service Dogs then cost will be higher.  Meet, Greet and Evaluation Appointments are at client's home. If Client decides to enroll their dog in one of many programs available, you will find David my methods work immediately without treats or shock collars. All communication is 100% body language, energy and sounds. Many issues are resolved within two to three sessions.



I offer Board and Training Programs at my house, not a kennel. This is offered for severely aggressive, fearful and high anxiety, including separation anxiety dogs. I do not use treats or shock collars during training. Most dog training facilities take your dog for a minimum of two weeks. My program only requires two to three days for immediate and permanent results. I also do Board dogs for current and past clients for emergencies or vacations. For more information, please contact us.





Effective May 1st, 2016, David Scott will be offering a service for his Belgian Malinois to search concerned parents' home for the following drugs: marijuana, meth, heroin and cocaine. If any contraband is found, it will be turned over to the parents for their discretion. This service will assist parents who have a suspicion that their kids may be using narcotics. For more information, Contact David Scott for a private consultation. 




We adopted a year old dog from the pound that turned out to be very aggressive and high energy towards people. He is a Shepherd and Jindo mix. The dog was so aggressive that I had him on a leash in my front yard and our neighbor approached and we began talking, without warning the dog lunged at our neighbor yanking me into the street. When I went off the curb, I fell to my right side, striking the pavement with my knee, my hip, my elbow and my head knocking me out cold for a few minutes and causing me a broken neck. We immediately called several trainer in the area and once we told them the story, they suggested that we put the dog down and that there was no help that could be offered. Not one of them would come over and do an Evaluation. I just happen to come across David's website and gave him a call. He had me put the dog in an enclosed bedroom when he arrived. David went into the room and shut the door. We expected the dog to tear into him with lots of growling and barking, but we did not hear a single sound. Within five minutes, David came out of the room with the dog on a leash into our living room and the dog (Red), would not take his eyes off David as though he was looking for direction. David did not say a word but would move his hand and the dog just laid down being very calm. It was like, "What the Heck". Upon David returning for the second visit, David had us have people lined up to knock on the door and enter the house. David showed us how to properly introduce the dog to strangers and it was like magic. It was the greatest feeling in the world to have guest in our house with Red just going from one person to another for a little rub down, very calmly. We think he is a miracle worker and he is training us how to have a loving dog who obeys us due to respecting us as leaders. David is welcome anytime to have one of our rooms in the house.

Aggression Out of Control

Frank & Nancy Jordan Covina, Ca

David Scott is an incredible dog behaviorist / Trainer, whatever you need to name or call him. He understands what dogs really think, not what we, humans believe they are thinking and placing those thoughts on the dog. We did order his book and it is in the mail. I figured out how to do a DUO Online, like Facetime, which is a video chat and my husband could film me with our two mini Aussies that are 1 1/2 years old. Training was online and not in person. David gave us instruction on the video phone and after viewing two videos of our biggest problems, which was chaotic loud barking at next door thru the fence. You definitely have to do the work he offers and he sends a lot of information to read and do the homework assignments. You will be pleased. Thanks

Incredible Outcome

Salley Bell Boise Idaho

I have a 7 yr old German Shepherd who is so vicious that for the last 5 yrs that I could not even take him for a walk and he lives in a large kennel in the backyard. I have not been able to get close without being bitten. I have had 5 trainers here over the yrs with no change, just wasted money. David came for the Evaluation and without saying a word or giving treats, he was walking down the street with my dog on a leash. Another 10 minutes go by and he handed me the leash and I was walking my dog without a muzzle for the first time. No more aggression. I have a dog now, not a liability. David only communicated with body language and my dog understood him. It has been a week and I have a loving normal dog. God bless David and his talent he was blessed with. 

David is "The Dog Father"

David Moore

Over the last two months, I have paid so called "Dog Trainers" to help me with Suzie, my Pitbull, who did not listen to me and would not come when I called her. I would spend much time tracking her down to bring her home. These trainers who I paid a lot of money to did not fix one thing and used treats to change my dog's behavior. I was at a loss and even thought about giving up on her. Then, I came across David Scott online in California and was impressed with his website, so I gave him a call and set up an Online Appointment for an Evaluation. I received an education that I do not even think I could have learned in college. The way he spoke and explained to me how to communicate with my dog worked with immediate results. God Bless David

Miracle Online

Samuel Jensen Vero Beach FL

I had a very excitable German Shepherd with issues such as excessive barking, jumping and growling towards my guests, counter surfing for food on the table or kitchen counter, not being able to leave food out without fighting Max, our dog, for it. and not staying out of the kitchen when cooking. During the Evaluation Online, David was able to read my dog's body language and my own interactions with Max to see right through every problem I was having. Immediately, David gave me the knowledge of understanding how Max saw me and dominated my family. By the end of the Evaluation, Max had made several instant changes in his behavior and how he responded to me. He now makes direct eye contact with me looking for direction. David suggested that I have two more sessions and then it was done. I have a perfect dog I always wanted. Thanks.

Unbelievable Results

John Seymore N.M.

I adopted beautiful 4-year old German Shepherd mix from the kill rescue in Downtown Los Angeles. This guy (Jaxson) was my third dog (all rescues) so I had no fears when adopting when bringing them home. He fit right into my house, never digging in the yard, never jumped on me or furniture and always did his business outside and never inside, a perfect match made in heaven, until he be bit two different people in my house on two different occasions. I realized that this guy had to go back to the shelter because I could not risk the liability but I was already bonding with him and did not know what to do. I called the shelter and they suggested that I work with one of their trainers that happen to live on the far side of Los Angeles. Prayers and providence led me to David Scott, dog whisperer extraordinaire (as I call him now). He came to my house and did an Evaluation, as I handed David the leash, Jaxson attempted to bite him right in the crotch but David saw it coming  and took control of Jaxson within minutes as to where Jaxson new who was the leader. He then started me on the basic Rules, Boundaries and Limitations like teaching me how to be a leader by entering and exiting the house first, made it so I could leave my front door open and Jaxson would not exit without my permission and crate trained him all in the first hour. After a couple of sessions at my house, David said lets go to the dog park for some socialization. David entered the dog park with Jaxson and told me to stay outside the gate, he did not want Jaxson to be in a frame of mind to protect me by biting the other dogs or people. David then had me come inside the dog area and take the leash with Jaxson muzzled. David just wanted to make sure no one else or another dog was bitten and it gave me more confidence knowing Jaxson could not bite another dog. David said that with a large number of dogs in the dog park that Jaxson would be overwhelmed, nervous and unsure and that is exactly what happen. We went to the dog park several times and then David said to me, take the leash and remove the muzzle inside the dog park. I thought David had lost his mind and I was petrified when he told me to drop the leash without the muzzle on Jaxson. In less than ten minutes, my frightened, un-socialized dog took off running, interacting with the other dogs and people, playing and rolling in the grass, sniffing dog butts and just enjoying himself like he was free of any issues, David had taken away all his fear, nervousness, domination, high energy and aggression right off his shoulders. I literally sat down in the middle of the dog park and started to cry out of pure joy and happiness for me and my Jaxson. This is exactly what I wanted for my dog but had no idea of how to do it. David never used words or treats during anytime of the training. Absolutely amazing. Jaxson and I now go to the dog parks every day and without any fear of him biting anyone or any other dog, even in my house. My dog obeys every thing I request just with body language that David taught me. David will give you the dog you always wanted and teach you how to have communication with your dog. Unbelievable. All you have to do is follow his instructions and trust him, he knows exactly what he is doing. A God given talent that is so rare.

My Dog will Bite You

Kathy Kerecman

My dog has been pure aggression and I needed help fast. My Border Collie Mix was so aggressive towards people and other dogs that she (Sweetie) had to stay home without ever having guest , friends or family over. I did not think it could ever change and did not know what to do. I searched trainers and all they offered was treats and group classes, that was not going to work. I kept investigating and came across David Scott's website and thought this was my last chance to save my Sweetie. I called him and told him the situation that everyone said there was nothing anyone could do. David came to my house and did an Evaluation and Sweetie aggressively tried to bite him. David took control and within minutes had her on a leash taking her for a walk outside. I started training with David for a few weeks before he called me and said the only way to help Sweetie was for him to take her to his house for a week under his supervision and with his dogs. We met David and handed him Sweetie with a muzzle on and leashed. David came back in a week with Sweetie without a muzzle on and gave me some do's and don'ts and said he would come to see us in a week. A miracle happened! David came to our door and of course Sweetie barked to warn us that someone was there, as I opened the door, Sweetie ran full blast and jumped three feet high into David's arms and was screaming wildly excited to see him as though I was watching one of those YouTube channels where the owners dog has not seen their owners for a year and when they met up, it just makes you cry. The next week David had us meet him at a dog park and I was scared to death. No way did I want to take my dog into see those other dogs but David came over and grabbed the leash from me and said let's go. In he went and to my surprise within minutes Sweetie was interacting with the other dogs. I now enjoy taking Sweetie to the dog parks and having company over to my house. Miracles do happen.... 

Aggression to Submission

Debbie Sheppeard

When I got my dog Gigi, I knew I wanted her to be a dog with rules, boundaries and limitations, in other words, a great dog to cherish and love through my years with her. However, I had no clue on what to do and how to do it. For the first year, Gigi, would bark excessively, jump on guest, pull on the leash and lunge at people, kids and other dogs. It became very embarrassing just to take her out of the house. Her whole attitude was she owned me and did whatever she wanted to do. My life revolved around her along with my lifestyle. My entire life schedule was shifted around Gigi. I needed something and everything to change, my life was horrible. I loved spend time with her when we were at home. She was very lovable and became my best friend, but when guest came over or when we left the house, it was a nightmare that I could not wake up from. I tried training her with treats and realized that she would not do a darn thing without being given a treat. I did not want to go through life with a treat bag strapped around my waist. I was bribing her just for a short period of time, then she went back to being my little nightmare. I scouted the internet and all I could find was trainers who used treats as a major part of their training program like Petco and Petsmart. I then finally came across a website by David Scott who was a dog behaviorist that claimed he could communicate with my dog with immediate results and without treats. I was very skeptical. Gigi did not listen to anyone and would not let anyone even get close to her for any type of training. I tool a chance and called David Scott and explained my situation and booked an appointment with him. I was in complete shock and awe that within five minutes of David arriving without treats or saying a word to my Gigi, she immediately respected and with a few slight of hand movements by David, I saw that my dog take to him with respect and did not bark once or run away. I in no way can explain how this happened in just minutes. Gigi responded to all of David's body language commands and wanting to please him out of respect and love. David then proceeded to tell me how to communicate with Gigi and understand how my dog saw the world through her eyes. Besides learning how to have a great dog, I learned how to perceive and understand my dog and my role as a leader. David taught me how to correctly set down Rules, Boundaries and Limitations. Lately I was an emotional wreak from a recent divorce and relying my dog for my support. David changed all that and I became a better and more happier person. I give David a loud shout out and thank you for his understand of people and especially dogs. He has a God given gift with dogs. 

The Real Dog Father

Rosa Perez

I have paid two so called "Trainers" one in a group session and one came to my home and charged me an outlandish fee and said he could not help and to have my dog put down due to its aggressive behavior towards people and other dogs. I was desperate and could not put my dog down. During the training sessions with these two other trainers, my dog severely bit two different people at different times and the humane society came and took my dog and was going to put him down. I finally found David Scott, a Behaviorist, not a trainer, who actually understands a Dogs Mind. He did an evaluation at the Humane Society and said he could change my dogs behavior if he could take him to his residence for a week. He contacted the humane society and the City did give him sole responsibility and liability over the dog. (How many of these trainers would do the same, risk their business for the sole purpose of saving a dog and making it normal and enjoyable again) In a weeks time, I visited David at his home and saw my dog who was playing with other dogs and David took me to public places and my dog ignored every person and did not lunge on the leash trying to bite anyone or anything. David Scott saved my dog's life and taught me how to see through the dog's eyes as they see the world. It is and was a transformation of myself and my dog. In my opinion, trainers are okay with treats for little puppies, other than that they are worthless with any dog above the age of three months or if your dog has any behavioral issues, do not wast your time or energy with someone else. Again, Thank You David. God has Blessed You with a Special Talent and Gift to communicate with Dogs.

Pat W.

Severe Aggression (My Dog Bit 2 people in one week)

David Scott is absolutely amazing. The way he is able to bond with and train the dogs is stunning. He had full control over my German Shepherd in about well a few minutes. My wife and I were speechless. He is the best. It seemed that it was his dog. He has a special talent, if you want your dogs to have the best trainer, David Scott is that trainer.

Ron Walker

Better than Cesar Millan

This is the dog that the Community of Big Bear and David Scott to rehabilitate a dog with serious Food Aggression Issues.

I just wanted to personally thank everyone that had donated money to help with the training of our dog. From the moment David stepped foot in the house, we noticed a major improvement in the way Luna presented herself. Luna's food aggression towards our other three dogs is almost completely gone. The food aggression before David arrived on scene was vicious to the point that Luna had bitten several of our dogs and even punctured the eye out from one of the smaller dogs. We had decided to find a home for Luna or even take her to the shelter until we received help from generous people and David lowering his fees as charity for our situation. We have now decided to keep Luna because she is now a great dog with the others, thanks to David Scott. The reading material that David sent us from his book provided has been extremely helpful and has opened my eyes when it comes to how to train and communicate with our dogs.


DJ Hollenbeck

Miracles Can Happen

"I used to watch Cesar Milan, then I found David Scott, I would say he is just as good in his own way. He had my two girls under control within the first visit, they were only puppies at the time about 6 months old. But I've never seen anyone get a dog under control as quick as David Scott. He truly understand dogs and we need to learn to also. If you ever find yourself with a problem dog, don't hesitate another minute to give him a call. You will be amazed! Can hardly wait for his new book to be published soon, as I know it will be a revelation to most."

Sandra Mullins

I've never seen anyone get a dog under control as quick as David Scott.

Dave knows dogs. Plain and simple. He can help provide insight, tools, tricks and tips to help dogs and their owners with all sorts of issues from simple common problems like separation anxiety all the way to advanced training. If you need an expert to help with your dog, call Dave.


What Dave understands is that all dogs are different, and what works for one might not work for another. With our Search Dogs Dave has helped us with some unique dogs that are brilliant at scent work but need help at refining their abilities and working with us as team members. Along the way he has also helped us with behavior issues. Dave teaches methods in small doses to help you work with your dog in a manageable way.


I have worked with Dave and multiple dogs. The dogs range all the way from some of the dogs from neglected backgrounds that are deplorable, all the way to highly trained Search Dogs. He always has a positive and unique contribution to the training and benefit of the dog, and the dog’s well being at heart. Some of the biggest improvements I have seen is with the extremely feral and fearful dogs Dave has helped me with. He helped teach dogs that could hardly be touched to go into and out of cars, which was as close to a miracle as possible with a dog I have seen.

Annalisa Berns

Dave Understands All Dogs Are Different.

My rescue dog, Bella, lived the first seven years of her life in a kennel. David has been invaluable in helping her adjust to living in a home. For two months she would not leave her “safe spot” behind the dining room table. Enter David. He had Bella in the living room on a dog bed in one session! Bella has some socialization issues with other dogs. David has successfully introduced her to other dogs and while Bella is not playing with them yet, I know that with David’s continued guidance and training she will be soon! David knows dogs. He understands dogs and he can communicate effectively with them. I highly recommend David! He can do what he says he can do and is truly a canine life saver! 

Judy Cofer

David Knows Dogs!

My sweet Joi, an English Springer Spaniel, who is so happy and loving with people, wanted to eat and bite my new 4 month old kitty. David came to my house last night to work with Joi. He taught my husband and I how to take control of Joi when she is fixated on Jolie and correct her. Within a very short time, Joi was paying attention to David, and not fixated on Jolie. By the time we were finished, I could see that Joi would eventually accept our kitty. We will continue to work with them. David gave us so much great information about how a dog thinks and how we can take control of the situation. I am very thankful for his training, for Joi and for us!

I am very thankful for his training.

Below is an excerpt of a testimonial by Josef Urban who has been studying with Canine Behaviorist, David Scott. To read the full testimonial, visit our featured blog titled "What I've Learned"


"One of the most important things that I've learned is the difference between a dog trainer and a dog behaviorist. A trainer is one who teaches dogs to do tricks, learn basic verbal obedience commands ("sit", "down", "stay", "come" etc.), successfully perform desired skills or perform in competitions, and so forth. A behaviorist, on the other hand, is one who resolves a dog's problematic issues by understanding dog psychology and relating to the dog according to its instinctual needs. A behaviorist will rehabilitate unbalanced dogs and remove their unwanted behavior through the proper combination of exercise, discipline and affection while providing leadership the dog trusts and respects, and train dog owners to do the same. While there are many good dog trainers in the world, there are very few behaviorists who know how to resolve all types of canine issues according to common sense dog psychology. I'm thankful that I came across David and for the opportunity to study with him."

Josef Urban

What I've Learned

While there are many reasons for why people turn their pets over to shelters, poor behavior is among the reasons that many pets become euthanized.  I shared this on my page a few days ago and really want to share with this community the gratitude I have for David (K-9 Behaviorist and Trainer). The following was my original post:


I put Kiyah on a "stay/watch it" command and she stayed there (still as can be and intensely focused) while the very "brave" Dori the hen came within three feet of becoming Dori the chicken nugget. The hen pushed her boundary and kept creeping in closer and closer, completely clueless, trying to roost in the garage on my wood art. This is one determined chicken and This dog... This dog has more "self control" than a lot of humans. So to everyone who has thought about getting rid of a pet because of the pet's behavior, I highly recommend you give your pet an opportunity and call David.

Tammie Rain Hayes

I highly recommend you give your pet an opportunity and call David.

Well everyone, Holly is at her new forever home. All went very well thanks to the awesome skills of master dog psychologist and trainer, David. Thank you, David! - Deni Stokes

Thank you, David!

At least you are out there trying to teach people the right way. I have taken the classes with you and my two girls, Patsy and Gurdie. It was the best thing we ever did. I want you to know that they are 2 yrs. old now and still remember everything they learned. To bad we had to move away. Thank you Dave for all your hard work and being a loving person. You are The Dog Whisperer to me. - Sandra Ely-Mullins

Sandra Ely-Mullins

Hi! I just wanted you to know how amazed I was the other night. I went to visit Titus and Kanita. The last time I saw Titus, he knocked me to the ground! He was so excited to see me, but that is one big dog. Kanita told me that he has been attending class and camp with you. Well, I have to tell you, that dog is such a gentleman now!!!! No more jumping, or bum rushing me. I took my little dog, who was a little intimidated by Titus's size...but Titus was gentle and loving, and listened to Kanita the whole time we were there. What an excellent job you and your staff have done!!!!! I can't wait for you to work with my little Jack. YOU ROCK! - Gloria Rose

Gloria Rose

Diamond Bar

David is a Dog-Human psychologist and a great trainer - dog & human. He helped me understand how to be a better pack leader with Houdini, how to handle myself when walking him on and off lead. It really was that fine tuning that I didn't know how to do on my own. And Houdini LOVES David.. Thanks for your guidance! Looking forward to your book. - Gwen Stutler

"Amazing trainer. Truly understands dog psychology and behavior. There is no problem he cannot correct. It's usually the human that needs to learn and be corrected though. I highly recommend this trainer to anyone with any type of canine issues, big or small. Next to Cesar Millan, probably equal to; David is the greatest trainer I've ever seen.

Thank you David for the awesome work you did with my dogs! I promise to follow through and keep up with their training! I will be a good pack leader; that's what it's all about." - Deni Stokes

"David did a great job with our puppy. We thought she was just going through puppy stages (jumping, excited, etc). So untrue, now our 8 month old husky will not jump when we walk through the door, doesn't pull her leash when walking and overall being a great dog. David showed us how to communicate effectively with our puppy. He's very helpful and we no longer have fear of Sasha running in dog parks with other dogs. 

If you get lessons from David, listen, practice and you will have great results. David explains it best when he says, 'the dogs are easy, it's the humans that are difficult'.


Thank you David!!!" - Cory Randle

"Thank you David for the "AMAZING' change you have made in our lives with Maggie. Tim & I want you to know how much we appreciate your time and dedication to our very special Maggie. When we came to you we were desperate for help, Tim was ready to give up on her. Your patience with Maggie and us has really paid off. She is loving her runs with Tim on his bike and her very special Saturday in the dog park with you and all her new friends. I have recommended you to so many people, you truly have a loving gift from God!" - Debbie Shields

"I highly recommend David as a trainer. In a short amount of time he has shown us what a great dog we really have. I was amazed how well behaved Duke could be with the right training. David has made sure that all of our concerns were meet.. No matter what behavior issue we had with Duke, David always had the answer. He showed us how to correct it. I thought I would never be able to take Duke out around other dogs but the group training that is offered was a clear sign that Duke didn't have an issue with other dogs he just loves to play. I misunderstood our dog and David has shown me what dogs really want and need. I'm pretty sure my dog loves hanging out with him more than us because he knows exactly how to communicate with dogs. Thank You Big Bear Canine School for all of your help!" - Mindy Montbriand

"Thank you David for helping us with Bendy. Before I called you, I was getting ready to put a "Free Dog" sign on her!!! Dax can walk around now without getting his ankles attacked and Bendy has learned some manners! Now, it's up to us to follow through with your great training. I'm just sorry I didn't know you 17 years ago, when Tyler got his first Jack Russell (who we still have)!!! I recommend your services to anyone with a dog who causes them stress! Thank you very much!!!" - Ashley Anna Wood

"Thanks to David I can now take my boxer out for a walk without worrying about him trying to attack everyone he see's. I highly recommend him for any training issues, but don't forget its up to you to follow his directions if you want to have continued results. The dogs are the easy part, it's us humans that need the most training." - Christy McGiveron

"David is great! He has given me the tools and techniques necessary to have well behaved companions. My two Golden Retreiver puppy's were totally out of control. In just a few short weeks we have learned so much and I'm much happier and the puppy's are too. He truly understands dogs. I'd like to mention that all my dogs love him when he comes to our home.  For me that speaks volumes. They respect and trust him which is what he is teaching me to expect from them."  Eloise Lepore - Big Bear City, CA

"I had a fearful biter. Super sweet dog otherwise. The first time David came by to assess the behavior (I have 4 dogs), he had them in control n under a minute. My biter is no longer as fearful and is gaining confidence. He had her for 5 days to "rehab" her. She was amazing when she got home. As I have learned how to manage the behavior more, the entire pack has gotten better. I highly recommend him and his system to correct negative behavior in your dogs. Be prepared for homework. If you do it, you will have harmony in the home." Toni Burton

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Testimonials / Reviews



Learn all aspects of training, canine psychology & socialization techniques to communicate with your own dog(s),, including learning 

​communicating with body language and energy.  David's methods work immediately.


In Home training fee is $250 for the Evaluation during Holidays, where David will make immediate changes in your dog's behavior, such as insecurity, high energy, domination and so forth, without using treats, shock collars or a silly high-pitched voice.

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